It’s Friendly Jordies vs Franky in a brand new season on 7mate.
New Paul Fenech season Housos: The Thong Warrior every Wednesday night on 7mate, ready to take on all-comers with his outrageous cast and guest ‘FriendlyJordies’ as a current affairs reporter.
You have been warned.
In this brand new post-covid series of Housos, Franky goes on a thong rampage against authority, becoming Australia’s first thong terrorist.
After leaving Sunnyvale, Franky goes off the grid to hide from a national anti “THONG MAN” task force of police. He survives by challenging outback tough guys to a series brutal thonging challenges.
Meanwhile, Shazza and her daughter Holden who are both pregnant (Holden having Franky’s baby) discover Franky owns millions of bitcoin, but Franky himself has no idea that he is wealthy. Shazza wants Franky’s money to pay for future child support to Holden’s unborn Houso.
Shazza, Holden, Kev the Kiwi and Junior the Islander from Coconut Island all go in search of Franky who is hiding somewhere in the Australian outback.
Housos is back, with more thongs than ever!
9pm Wednesday on 7mate.

Article written by David Knox for TV Tonight.