(post) Hipages challenges Australians to change the way they tradie

Hipages challenges Australians to change the way they tradie

Via The Daily Telegraph 

SUPERCOACH players love a bit of cheeky banter among their mates.

And our sponsor – hipages – are no different.

They’ve launched an advertising campaign across Melbourne and Sydney challenging Australians to stop and reconsider the way they hire tradies.

hipages has launched the new campaign in Sydney and Melbourne.

It’s called ‘change the way you tradie’ and has seen hipages put up banners across key building sites in the two cities.

The banners, asking site owners if they “need some help finishing that job?”, are designed to make Melbourne locals question the current difficult – and lengthy – process of co-ordinating home improvement and building projects.

hipages has launched the new campaign in Sydney and Melbourne.

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