In loving memory of Michaela Dunn.
Filmed and edited by Miguel Martin
Produced by The Craze Collective
Soundtrack titled No Feelings 101 by Ned Harmless
@thecrazeco @crispstreetart @el.devine @caesar_baydonious
In loving memory of Michaela Dunn.
Filmed and edited by Miguel Martin
Produced by The Craze Collective
Soundtrack titled No Feelings 101 by Ned Harmless
@thecrazeco @crispstreetart @el.devine @caesar_baydonious
Written and photographed by Taha Siddiqui The highly awaited and anticipated annual show arrived in Sydney at the Penrith Paceway
In car footage from the Demolition Derby at Sydney Speedway on the 1st February 2014 With Team Craze
@Mattybro_art Paints large scale mural of Arnold Schwarzenegger for World Gym Sydney, Castlereagh Street.
We recently got together for a larger than life “performance art” piece at the NSW Gallery of Art to raise