guerrilla green screen annandale sydney australia free photobooth

Guerrilla Green Screen Installation

Creating new and exciting media has become a central part of many people’s lives. But with the rise of social media, including TikTok and Instagram, the associated expense of equipment leaves a creative’s wallet the hardest hit.

Guerrilla Green Screen Art Installation Action Shot

Local Sydney artists and creatives have taken it upon themselves to install a green anamorphic rectangle, a makeshift outdoor chroma-key production space, as a free alternative for budding creators.

Robin John Miguel Martin BTS Guerrilla Green Screen

Anamorphosis, in the visual arts, is an ingenious perspective technique that gives a distorted image of the subject represented in a picture when seen from the usual viewpoint but is so executed that if viewed from a particular angle, or reflected in a curved mirror, the distortion disappears and the image in the picture appears normal. This installation appears to be a cluster of random shapes painted on the corner and floor of a public handball court and when viewed from the right location, the perspective appears to show a perfect rectangle.

Guerrilla Green Screen Art Installation In Use Sydney Australia

Not only does this installation look cool but it has some serious interactive functionality, given you’re there while the suns out, the green colour basically lets you drop in whatever background images you want behind the actors and/or foreground. You can try this yourself on your smartphone by searching for ‘Green Screen’ via your app store.

Guerrilla Green Screen Art Installation
Guerrilla Green Screen Aerial View

Thanks to @thecrazeco @crazeske @ballinonabudgetmedia @miguelmartin @anamelessforce @crispstreetart & @baydonious

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