(post) Artists take over St George’s Terrace Parramatta with Guerrilla Gallery

Artists take over St George’s Terrace Parramatta with Guerrilla Gallery

By Joanne Vella via The Daily Telegraph

An abandoned terrace slated for demolition to make way for the Parramatta Powerhouse has been taken over by artists determined to show the government how the heritage-listed site could be used.

(post) Artists take over St George’s Terrace Parramatta with Guerrilla Gallery
Picture: Matthew Vasilescu

The abandoned St George’s Terrace at Parramatta has been taken over by a group of artists determined to show the government how the heritage-listed site could be used.

St George’s Terrace, a row of two-storey terraces built in 1881, could be bulldozed to make way for the Parramatta Museum of Arts and Applied Sciences (the Powerhouse Museum), while the Italianate 1870s property Willow Grove, a former maternity hospital, could also be demolished.

Before the government determines the landmarks’ fate, artists, gardeners and knitters have staged a peaceful protest by transforming the Phillip St row into the Guerrillas Gallery, a makeshift but vibrant exhibition featuring seven artworks and a revamped garden display.

Read the full story here.. https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/parramatta/artists-take-over-st-georges-terrace-parramatta-with-guerrilla-gallery/news-story/

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