scomo ripping a cone

420 activists deliver a pound of weed to Scott Morrison as peace offering

With the majority of the country subjected to housebound self-isolation, there’s never been a better time to legalise pot. We truly deserve to go through this uncertain time in a blissful Sativa-induced haze. Cannabis activists Who Are We Hurting have instigated a stunt in an attempt to make this dream a reality.

The group of artists have offered Prime Minister Scott Morrison a peace offering by delivering the PM a pound of weed to his Kirribilli House in celebration of the beginning of 4/20/20 and to campaign for the legalisation of cannabis in Australia.

Spokesperson Craze explains that the group wants to publicise discourse around cannabis in Australia, and requests that the government “replace this organised crime with legitimate employment”.

“The sad fact is everybody knows that cannabis isn’t nearly as bad for people as, say, alcohol or cigarettes. But no-one wants to talk about it because it has such a stigma. 

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