Who Are We Hurting? 420 2023 Miguel Martin Andrew Christie

Stolk & Zammitt les Australiens de la légalisation

Translated from French.

Stolk & Zammitt the Australians of legalization.

The Cannabist goes to meet activists from distant lands. Stolk and Zammit are the names of two keen pro-legalization campaigners who are making a difference in Australia. One of their cannabis stunts: the projection of giant Cannabis leaves on the Sydney Opera House made headlines.

Recently they came to demonstrate in military uniforms and armored vehicles in the heart of downtown Sydney, at the head of a collective organized to denounce the stigmatization of THC, incredible images of these resistance fighters from the end of the world. Stolk & Zammit the Australians of legalization. The event interview of the summer is on Le Cannabiste.

In terms of resistance to prohibition, with us in France things are well locked. The law allows the police to arrest and the courts to convict anyone who attempts to portray Cannabis in a favorable light.

But not all countries have such a radical approach to this debate and the right to peaceful enjoyment of this plant. Through the demands and initiatives of Stolk and Zammit, we discover a whole world beyond the borders of prohibiland, starting with politicians.

To give you an idea, here is how Jeremy Buckingham, a pro-legalization MP who uses Cannabis for medical use, greets our happy activists in the offices of parliament. It was last Thursday.

Read the full interviews here and follow along to see what happens on the August 29th court date.

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